Read Gilberto's account of the accident

Gilberto wrote about the events of February 8th in English and in Spanish

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feb 22, from Gilberto

Ayer los terapeutas estimularon a Laura para ver como reaccionaba, los doctores y enfermeras estaban alli, ella movio sus brazos y piernas y lograron que ella se sentara, todos empezaron a aplaudir y llorar de emocion... el milagro se ha dado, lo siento, lo he visto, lo he tocado lo he vivido, es la confirmacion mas grande de el amor de mi Padre Celestial hacia mi y mi famila. Si yo se que es un milagro de sanidad, pero para mi es mas un milagro de amor, amor de mis familiares, de amigos y desconocidos, que en silencio han orado con amor y fe. Haciendome sentir el hombre mas rico del mundo por ese amor incondicional que me siguen brindando.

Yesterday the therapists encouraged Laura to move to see how she would react, and all of the doctors and nurses were there. She was able to move her arms and legs, and they were successful in getting her to sit up– everyone began to clap, and all were in tears and filled with emotion… a miracle has happened, I feel it, I’ve witnessed it, I’ve felt it, I’ve lived it – it is the biggest confirmation of love from my Heavenly Father towards myself and my family. I know that it’s a medical miracle, but more so for me it is a miracle of love – love from my family, from my friends and acquaintances, that have silently prayed with faith and love. I feel like the richest man in the world for this unconditional love that all of you keep giving me.

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